Welcome to my blog. This blog will contain all manner of things from snippets of my own writing to reviews, tips and advice... and the occasional rant. 

I started writing reviews as other authors were asking me to read their draft novels and help with writers block, spot typos and plot holes etc. Turns out I am quite good at it because I have fun with them. They are not your average review. 

As an author/reader I know what to expect when I am asked to review a story based on the blurb. I am also aware that as a romance lover I can get bored of the same scenarios especially if they are all seasonal requests (Valentine, Christmas, New Year) so I like to chop and change genres, this ensures I am looking at each novel with a fresh set of eyes and not letting one book 'out romance' another. 

That can happen if you have just read a fabulous story and go straight on to the next with a book hangover. Take a time out.

Another thing I occasionally do which is different to others is hold on to my review if the story is getting lots of attention. This is because I am waiting for a lull. I will then put up the review and promote it to give the story a fresh boost of Marketing. There is no point in getting lost in a wave of reviews when all you need to do is save a well worded one to get the book back up the charts and promoted all over social media.

If I have agreed to review a story... I will. I then post the reviews on Facebook, Twitter, NetGalley, Goodreads, Amazon, Blog, Smashwords etc. 

You can contact me via any of these: 
NetGalley Airam 
Facebook airambooksie 
Twitter airambooksie 
Goodreads Airambooksie 
Wattpad Airambooksie