Monday 29 July 2013

The Songbird and the Soldier - Wendy Lou Jones - Book Review

Four word review: Must read - I cried.

Yep I went from 'Oh what a delightful read' to 'Don't you dare!', half way through the book. It's like a cross between the 'Note Book' and 'Dear John'.

As someone who writes to squaddies, sends care packages etc I know how much truth there is in this novel. It is well researched. I know so many women who can relate to this story in one way or another. It was adorable and if I were a publisher I would be so happy to find this in my submissions pile.

It was a lovely mixture of potential love you can't wait to see grow intermingled with a smattering of a spiteful, selfish, bastard who thinks good looks and big... (ahem).... grin will win over anyone. Regardless of the cost of friendship and happiness. Basically a bullshitter in a china shop of fragile hearts. There were times when I wanted to reach inside the novel and throttle some characters for getting in the way and other times my heart swooned, clapped and cheered characters on.

It didn't paint an unrealistic picture of war. It was not all flowery romance and fiction. There were moments of clear 'reality checking', that brought the reader down to earth with a bump like a grounded cherub.

For once I didn't see the twist at the end coming, which resulted in the hand flies to cover your mouth in shock moment. Eyes blurred with tears, you blink heavily to try to clear them as you 'NEED' to know what happens and if anyone disturbs you, they will get a look that would put Medusa to shame. At the same time a storm rumbled over head and I found myself shouting at the thunder to 'shut up I am trying to read!', yup yelling at thunder for disturbing my readers moment of crisis. My book was my 'Thunder buddy' and there was a 'Do not disturb' sign in the atmosphere around my house.

Why five stars: Any book that can make me forget that it's 4:00a.m, force myself to bed, lie there worrying about the characters whilst fighting the temptation to pick it up again, deserves five stars.

The honest depiction of being a squaddie and their loved one shows how testing it is. That time apart, the desperation to not count down the time you have left together or get upset as it dawns on you that there is less than a day left and you squeeze each other tighter in the hope of slowing down time. It's like a ticking clock that you try to ignore but it just gets louder and by the end it is like Big Ben. The last hug and kiss that is never enough as you watch them leave and the count down to the next R&R begins in deadly silence as your heart enters a period of mourning and waits eagerly for the next letter.

The use of snail mail is great in the story, as it shows her impatience, the rush to write the next and post it off. The excitement of seeing it on the door mat and his receiving a reply at the other end. Sending a bluey is a game of patience and sometimes the postman seems to be on vacation. I was so chuffed when she used the e-bluey service to get the message there quicker. That service is a godsend. I would have liked to have seen her send out a care package too, but hey.

When I think of Andy and how he called Sam 'beautiful', this song was in my head. (Plus James Blunt is ex army so it was perfect.)

At the blubbiest part of the book this song sprung to mind and the video was perfect. James Morrison.

I highly recommend this novel as a lovely read. It takes you on an emotional journey you think you've been on before in many a romance novel but then your heart hits a 'novel IED' and you are blown away. The only way to recover is to read like a wild animal with eyes bugging out hungry for more. Well done Wendy Lou.

Side note:
As someone who supports our UK troops with care packages and letters (bluey), I would like to flag this wonderful site. It is not a dating site. You are just boosting morale, sending out some treats and letters (penpal) to the troops. If you are a UK resident and interested contact the site below.


  1. Wendy Lou Jones3 August 2013 at 17:52

    Thank you so much for the wonderful review, Airam. And a a matter of fact I listened to James Blunt for the entire year I was writing this. Good call!

  2. Haha my musical radar is working well then. :)

    I really enjoyed it and look forward to your next.

  3. I’ve nominated you for The Versativle Blogger Award ( That link has the information, if you should choose to accept. Regardless, thank you for such a wonderful blog.
    XO from Kristen Mazzola

  4. I’ve nominated you for The Versativle Blogger Award ( That link has the information, if you should choose to accept. Regardless, thank you for such a wonderful blog.
    XO from Kristen Mazzola

  5. Thank you for the nomination! :)
