Wednesday 11 September 2013

Book Review: Your Room or Mine - Charlotte Phillips (5*)

A 'take the power back' tutorial for anyone with a cheating ex!

If you are looking to start a new romance novel but are reluctant as you haven't got time to finish it, then this short story is for you. I read it in two hours with a cup of tea and a farting kitten whose stench spoilt a sexy scene!

If you've ever had a cheating ex... read this novella and high five the protagonist! If you need to 'wash that man right out of your hair'... read this and get tips!

Everyone knows a 'To Do List' after a break up is essential! It is like a cleansing ritual where we take the power back that we inadvertently gave to the fuckwit we were dating. It's like shedding the thick skin we grew to put up with his shit. I wanted to add a few more things to her list including tattoo, stage diving and a trip to Ann Summers, as we always buy our newly single friends a bounty pack of new toys as part of her rebirth. A sort of 'reclaiming your orgasm' ritual.

Enter 'page' right... Hottie! Getting an insight into his eagle eye for a potential one night stand, with insecurities he could play on was great. The way she turned the tables on him was priceless... Checkmate! Never try it on with a woman scorned or you will burn.

It took me right back to my Mills and Boon days. Just with more 'steam'. I look forward to next sexy short from Charlotte. Perfect Sunday afternoon read.

Sing song time: 

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