Saturday 14 December 2013


I posted a status on facebook a few weeks ago where I admitted that I had sent a manuscript to a publisher back in May but have heard nothing from them. A few people messaged me saying they would never be brave enough to admit that, especially on Facebook, as they saw it as a 'failure'. I don't see why, as that is the journey all writers face and I am happy to share my failings as well as my successes...and here is why.

I submitted a story to a publisher and that is something to be proud of. Some people can't even finish a novel but I've completed 16 since October 2009 and have several in progress. My work has been read millions of times on-line, been number one in Romance, Chicklit, NonTeenFiction charts. It had received both good and bad feedback. That prepares me for the critics.

One of those stories is made it to the top 25 of Harlequins SYTYCW (So you think you can write) contest on Wattpad, where there was a chance to win a 3 book deal. Regardless of whether I 'won' or not, I still entered. I wrote the story in 23 days and designed my own book cover. People enjoyed reading it and it received over a million reads in a month.

The same goes for my story 'Kismet'. I had a story in my head, I typed it out and let people read it for free so I could get feedback. I designed the book cover for the entire series and that is another string to my bow.

So I've decided to share this books journey in the hope you will see why anyone who submits a story should be patting themselves on the back and not hanging their heads in shame. For the record the only time I hang my head is to look at new shoes, talk to small children and animals... or when I am drunk ;)  

Where it all began:

I started posting draft work on a writing site called Booksie in October 2009. At the end of 2010 I started to write a story called 'Kismet'. It was written in the style of a soap opera and in first person so the readers could feel like they were the character and become emotionally attached. I updated it several times a week, writing a couple of chapters after work and posting them. A bit like telling a tale around a camp fire before bed. Every morning I would find comments from readers all around the world who loved it and begged for more. They started to call themselves 'Kismet Junkies'.

I wrote 4 books in the series between 2010 and 2012, along with several other stories. It became one of the most popular books on the writing site I was using. This led to the site owners contacting me and expressing an interest in publishing it. As well as owning Booksie, Booksie Silk (adult), they also own 'The Next Big Writer' and have laughed a publishing company. However, I declined as it wasn't ready yet and I didn't feel that they were the right publisher for the series. At the same time I received offers from other publishers of the same standard, who I felt were again not aiming at my target audience or offering me anything I couldn't do for myself via self publishing.

(For those who don't believe, here is proof with anything that could identify people blurred out)

Instead of accepting the offers, I started to edit the series in-between writing other stories and working full time. I wanted to be ready to publish if a deal came along worth accepting. I also started to post Kismet on another writing site called Wattpad for more feedback. I started receiving offers on that site from Independent publishers, and again I said no. I want a romance publisher as that is my target audience and the editor would be one with a passion for romance and not figures. For the record publishers are not allowed to create accounts to contact members on Wattpad, so were quickly tapped on the shoulder and asked what they were up to when I received mine. They soon disappeared which speaks volumes for their professionalism. Eeek!

In September 2012 I was given the heads up that Harper Voyager were looking for submissions. Unfortunately I was in hospital having surgery so didn't have time to meet the deadline. I hadn't finished editing Kismet and wasn't sure which of my novels they would prefer given the publisher was more sci-fi, fantasy than romance. I asked them to choose and they chose 'Marriage Made in Heaven' a Supernatural Romance. They told me not to worry if I couldn't get it through to them as a submission as they would take a look at it on Wattpad. I couldn't believe my luck. What a lovely thing to do!

Unfortunately, that didn't happen as they were inundated and obviously the submissions took priority. However, a couple of months later I received a message saying 'Just to give you the heads up, we are launching a new brand called HarperImpulse and they are looking for Romance submissions'. There was no deadline so I shared the news with all my writer friends and gave Kismet the once over.... deciding it needed more editing.

I set about editing Kismet and stopped writing anything else. I booked time off work and got my head down. Unfortunately everyone who said they would help me with editing got caught up for whatever reason, in other aspects of their life, and I was left to do it alone. The wasn't the first time that has happened so I figured 'you wrote it alone, you can edit alone,' and that is what I did.

I spent a week editing, sitting up until god knows what time in the morning. On one occasion I noticed it was 7:00am as I was going to bed but my phone alarm went off and reminded me I had a 9:00am appointment so I went without sleep that day, and was still up editing at 6:00am the following morning. I would go to bed for 4-5 hours and get up to start again. I also redesigned the book cover, and for the first time ever put my 'real name' on the front, as apparently 'Maria' is far more romantic... but I'm not sharing my full name on this blog.

Things were coming together but like most amateur writers I can't afford an editor. Plus they would need to be British, as I use English Dialogue and UK spelling. There is nothing worse than sending off a chapter and getting it back weeks later... Americanised! 

In May I finally submitted it to HarperImpulse but by this time, they were inundated with submissions from authors who were far more prepared.Some were already signed with other publishers, others were self published or ready to click submit the day submissions opened. They were 'polished' and could helped launch the brand immediately. That meant Kismet had to take a seat in the email box gathering dust in HarperImpulses office.

I was happy to leave it there and started talks with Avon Books, Harlequin, Beachwalk Press etc. The only issue was my stories were too long. They had to be 50,000 words or 65,000 max. We agreed I would write something for them instead as I didn't want to cut my current stories in half. Also Harlequin US were referring me to the UK branch but the UK branch replied saying they only accept series from their 'own' office. In the end I spent far too much time trying to get one office to talk directly to the other and gave up. I decided to focus on writing new stories to the 50K word count instead. 

The word count started to niggle at me and got me thinking about Kismet and how I wasn't happy with the end of book one. I discussed it with others and agreed a new place to end book one which would lower the word count. That meant I had to withdraw it from HarperImpulse but I didn't think they would mind, as it had been sat in their inbox for 5 months... it was now September and I'd bet a case of wine they hadn't even looked at it. 

I advised them that I wanted to change the end of the first book and transfer it to the beginning of the second. This would lower the word count. They agreed, I fixed it, formatted it with the help of another author and sent it back. I also had 4 other stories ready to go. I wasn't sure if they wanted them so asked and they said 'Ooo yes please'. I got them ready and sent a quick email asking if they needed to be one email or separate. They were 'excited' to receive them and each was sent separately. I felt better about this submission... until my laptop connection went 'tits up' and I wasn't sure they received them. Lucky for me I received email confirmation. Job done... move on!

It has been 8 months since my initial submission and 4 months since my resubmission, with the 4 additional works. I have not heard anything from HarperImpulse other than the automatic email response. I haven't sat back and worried about it or convince myself they don't like it, as I know they will. That is not to say they would ever publish it, just that I have confidence that should they take the time to read it they would probably wonder why they left it there so long. 

Kismet is realistically still sat in an email box with a pile of other stories... 4 of which are mine, and the chances of it being read this year, zero.  I know authors who HarperImpulse have already published, who have sent through their next novel as requested and been told don't expect to hear back for a few weeks as they are a small team and very busy. I know other who have been given 'the call' and are busy working with the publisher to get their novel released. 

KISMET will have it's day! (As will my other stories), at the moment it is 'my friends' day. 

I don't sit on my bum worrying about it. During Kismet's stay in the HarperImpulse inbox I've wrote three new books, finished two others, carried out reviews and entered writing competitions for the first time in my life. I've met hundreds of other authors on line and built wonderful friendships. Been given advice to help me becoming a better writer and been read millions of times. 

HarperImpulse have published some great stories this year. To do that they have had to read countless submissions, agreeing offers, cover art design, editing, marketing, attending lush award etc. I bet there are days when they don't want to see another bloody submission. They want to go get drunk and talk about anything so long as it isn't 'Romance Novels'. 

I am not sitting waiting on them to open my email and read my story. That would be foolish and unambitious. I am carrying on as normal. Writing, editing, cover designing, entering competitions, researching other publishers so when they are looking for submissions I am ready like the others were before. Not forgetting my personal and work life that demands attention and isn't as easily sated by 'wifi' as my writing life.

I am not putting all my eggs in one basket either. Next week I have two more stories going to a publisher one of which took me a weekend to write and is about to be featured on a writing site, it is called 'Love In Bloom'. I wrote it in the space of one weekend. 

A few weeks ago Harlequin asked for the full MS of 'Do Not Touch' for SYTYCW which took me 23 days to write. I let readers chose the names etc... all except one. Annie, as the book is dedicated to my aunt who passed away a short time before I started to write it. The story didn't win SYTYCW but Harlequin are going to send me 'feedback' and were impressed with the high standard. That in itself makes it worth the submission.

I also participated in NaNo again this year and won with over 70k word count, despite a late start due to SYTYCW and designing covers for others who were taking part in NaNo. Wattpad have a competition where you can win £2k for being part of NaNo and sharing your story on their site :) I'll have some of that thank you.

So as you can see there is nothing for me to feel a failure about. Plus I have received this from Wattpad! Mae Day has achieved a 'milestone' as one of their 'Most Read' in 2013 with nearly two million reads. I didn't even know there was such a thing but I still screamed and clapped like a sea-lion when I read it. It made my day! 

Then I received another email from them announcing I had achieved another Milestone. 'Love is in the Heir' was also one of their Most Read of 2013. It has over two million reads and was used to celebrate the Royal Birth, which made me one proud Brit!

I was so proud of my stories success that when I received the next email congratulating me on being one of Wattpads Most Active Members e.g. Followed, posting stories and interacting with users via comments sections on my stories etc, I was stoked!

In reflection, Kismet may be sat in that 'Inbox' waiting to be read but it is also on Wattpad users phones, tablets, Laptop etc all over the world. It is being read at this very moment by someone who doesn't care if it is sat waiting in a publisher inbox. They are just happy to read it for free as some of them don't have access to libraries or money to buy books. That is why I post on writing sites like Wattpad because now I can truly say I have been read by millions of people, worldwide from every background. At present I have nearly 12,000 followers (fans) and that is the best focus group any writer can ask for. :)

Here is to another successful year! (Pats self on back and holds head high!)

UPDATE: I still hadn't heard anything by the end of January 2014. As such I figured it's been 9 months and that is long enough to leave a story in an email box, let alone the 4 other stories. I didn't receive a reply to three emails asking if they had been received ok. Also enquiring if the time to hear back was still 3 months', one in November, December and January.

I spent a sleepless night pondering over a decision I had wanted to make the previous week but held off as I didn't want it to be 'knee Jerk' reaction. The next morning I was absolutely positive I wanted to do it and withdrew my submissions.  I've had no reply to my email to withdraw them either.

I felt much better for the decision. I was taking the power back instead of waiting and waiting... it was like exam results. Was your work up to scratch? When I made the decision I shared it on my social network, several authors congratulated me on being brave enough to do it. Some even shared their own experiences and it confirmed I have made the right choice.

I am now going to use my time to edit and consider serial publishing. It is far more productive than waiting in an email box. Wish me luck! 

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