Monday 16 December 2013

The Keepers: Archer - Rae Rivers - Book Review 4* Stars


I've been intrigued by this story and its cover for a while now. I couldn't wait to read it as I love a good book series and one book is just never enough. Plus when it's got a cover and blurb this good, it makes my reading list. 

I loved that it started off with a spooky/action scene that immediately had you 'the reader' wanting someone to rescue Sienna, or for her to be 'super witch' and kick ass! You are not let down. I envisaged the scene from 'Devils Advocate' where the lawyer is running and gets jumped on by demons/homeless dudes.

This is where I would like to explain the reason I am giving 4* not 5 * (Four is great!).

I got a little confused at times e.g. between this scene for instance, where one minute she is arguing with her rescuer in the park woods and the next she is somewhere else and in trouble again (it's hard to explain without a blatant spoiler). 

Or further on in the story when 'Brogan' was introduced. He is a main character, one they all fear but all of a sudden his name is used and I was thinking 'who the hell is Brogan'... I flipped back for clarity but found he is just referenced mid sentence as Brogan, when introducing Warrick. Only when they are referred to as the 'Brogan brothers' and Warrick as 'Warrick Brogan' did I realise who he was and their relationship. 

There were a few moments that had me backtracking over what I had read, in case I had missed something. It breaks the momentum and continuity of the story to have to stop and take your bearings.

Some scenes were just a bit too descriptive for me so I found my eyes speed reading over them, as I didn't need to read about how dark or cold the woods were for a few paragraphs. That is a personal preference. I like it fast paced, quick dialogue and no loitering between scenes. I also found the dialogue could be repetitive in places and there were times when scenes had obviously been cut in the edit but referencing something I should have knowledge of.

Having said that, the author did a wonderful job creating a believable world where magic exists. It's not something you would ever question and if you found yourself dumped in the middle of it. You could quite easily shrug and accept that some people were just different, Witches, Keepers and Warlocks existed. That in itself is a gift, and something a lot of authors struggle with. Rae tackled it well and didn't make it too complex.

The romance was mainly steeped in history, and referencing troubles in the past that weren't explained in this story. It left me feeling like I had came in late to a movie. There was just enough of it 'alluded to' in order for you to easily empathise with the characters plight and hope 'love finds a way' but still it was a little stilted due to that lack of knowledge. 

There is a prequel called Sienna, which I will be reading next (as it was released after this one). I hope it answers my questions. 

I had chose to read the stories based on the publication date, as I wanted to read it in the order the publishing house released them, surely there was a reason they released this one first. I started to regret it as I had too many questions and a itchy trigger finger wanting to stop reading this and go start Sienna. I reluctantly stood by my decision and finished this first, but would recommend others read the prequel Sienna to save some frustration. 

Although it is about Archer and POV changes happen frequently, Sienna is the protagonist. She is a fiery red head which I like to see, as there are far too many blonde or brunette heroines. She is a 'reluctant' witch and has known her 'Keepers' all her life. They were raised with the knowledge that her grandmother and mother were both witches. They would play in the woods as children and she would be taught spells by her grandmother. It made me picture 'Brave', by Pixar, which coincidently has three brothers, and whilst Sienna's Keepers are not triplets, they are brothers, so that kept flashing in my mind and making me giggle.

The Keepers:
The brothers are described as very similar in muscle tone, hair colour and looks. Obviously due to their being brothers! Oh and Keepers are strong as an Ox, quick as a whippet and probably hung like a donkey!

Each have their own personality which is easily distinguished. Archer, who this book is based on, is a hottie. He is focused, dedicated and driven, not just because he is a Keeper but because his heart rules his mind where Sienna is concerned and that is the reason why it is 'Forbidden', he could risk destroying the balance to protect her. 

Each Keeper is a wall of muscle, has an elemental power e.g. water and they are sexy as fook! This is the picture the author released as 'Archer'... Phwoar! Makes you want to be a witch, doesn't it! 

Archer may be strong in all other areas but his weakness is Sienna. For instance, we would probably see Sienna like this... Casual, jeans and t-shirt with grass in her hair and chipped nail varnish. ---->

Archer on the other hand, would see this! 

He is besotted with her and whilst it is taboo, that is also what makes it hot! Plus knowing she feels the same way... or at least did, is enough to make the reader sexually frustrated, let alone him!

Throw in some naughty rule breaking scenes with lashings of red wine and whiskey! Douse those flames with water, on several occasions, due to the ill timed arrival of supporting characters, and I find myself hoping Sienna can survive with one Keeper, as I give Archer full permission to drown them! 

That is until I read more about his brothers, aka other Keepers. I seem to lose interest in Sienna and Archer, I want to know more about this pair, especially Declan. Cue the bad boy who skipped a few hair cuts and lives in either the bottle or a brothel! I picture him something like this but bulkier. 

He is intriguing, damaged and a man-whore. 'Declan' is the Keeper for me!

I found myself working out which character I would sleep with first.. here was the result... Declan, Warwick, Ethan and bizarrely the last was Archer. I mean Archer is hot, but he is so smitten with Sienna's that there would be no point in going there. 

The end of this story was a little chaotic and inevitable but all in all, it was well done. If you like Vampire Diaries, Secret Circles, Witches of Eastend etc, you will love this book. It is ideal Young Adult, even though there are some scenes of a sexual nature. I could see Twi-hards getting their kicks from it. 

I am looking forward to reading Sienna, and the rest of the series when they are released... especially Declan! ;) 

You can purchased this book here: The-Keepers-Archer

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