Friday 21 March 2014


I loved this book. If this book cover doesn't have you reaching to read the blurb, nothing will. What a sexy Bastard! High five to the cover artist as that is shelf appeal.

Perfect for my Spartacus Hangover and fed my Dustin Clare obsession as I could easily picture him as 'The Roman'. Here he is, in all his Gladiator glory... feel free to lick the screen and picture him too.

The author of 'The Roman' depicts with ease the beauty of those times and the importance of social status but doesn't linger. We start off with the POV from the Roman as he celebrates a win Ben Hur style, which automatically makes Marcallas fearless, sexy, brave and down right desirable. 

On top of that we get an insight into the inner working of his mind, he is proud, independent, rich but like everyone else he has a heart... which someone bitch ripped out of his chest leaving him vengeful. This in turn doused the book in angst ridden sexual tension. Hurrah!

We change POV to the female Protagonist. I have to say though, I didn't like her name. Justina, seemed too modern for me, but it is a Roman name, it was just hard to settle it in the time period for me. On the plus side she was sweet, innocent, used, abused and loyal. Her life taking the path most young girls faced during that time period, but you know it could have been worse. You had to admire her, especially for someone so young. She was shrewd, intelligent and talented. 

The POV stayed with her for a vast majority of the story. It was told in a modern way so we could read it with ease and not get lost in a history lesson. Having said that it was clear the author had done her homework. I learnt a lot without even realising it and found myself squealing at the mention of Pompeii and Herculaneum as I knew what was coming. Plus for those who are missing Spartacus, there are two Hercules films out soon and Pompeii so it's an ideal time for this book release. 

As with any romance we want some nookie and were not disappointed. It was not cringe worthy, it was sweet, brave and about bloody time! The water wasn't the only hot thing.

All in all, a great read for those who love historical romance, and a lovely starter for those who are interested in the genre but don't want anything too taxing. It is not overly wordy or flooded with so many historical facts it makes it feels like homework. It is an ideal Sunday read that will have you booking a holiday to Rome or throwing a toga party. 

You can get a copy here 


  1. Thanks so much for your lovely review. So touched. Caroline xx

    1. You're welcome. It was a lovely story. Congrats on bringing it to life.
