Friday 7 February 2014


Loved it! 

You can tell the author has studied English Literature as the story is effortlessly written, which in turn makes it a pleasure to read. Also well edited which meant there were no gaps or scene jumps leaving the reader disorientated as to where the scene was taking place or whose POV they were reading. 

A story full of secrets, historical relationship dramas, spiced up with sexual tension and yummy kisses. Add a few snotty posh people, who no one really wants to spend Christmas with, as they are obnoxious, insensitive and act as though need a spring of holly removed from their Ice cold hearts!

It was a nice change to see a couple who are in their 30's and not pigeon holed into 18-25 age group like most books these days. It made it far more interesting and believable that the characters had relationships before and now they were 'love shy'. 

I enjoyed it, read it cover to cover in 2 hours and look forward to more from this author.

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